Transformational Tuesday webinar with my business partner Rob Thomas taking place in my office. 🏆I was honored with the presence of Rob and his family at my house for two nights and three days this last week. Quick backstory:…
See the fun picture being taken on stage in this post? Nice picture, right? 👌🏼 What if I told you, nobody may ever see it? What if I told you, millions of pictures/post are never seen on social media…
Online Business Retires Husband (if he chooses)
Online Business Retires Husband (if he chooses) “My heart sunk as my husband arrived home exhausted from his 2 hr. commute home. He face was red, his eyes sinking into his head and his mood was grumbly. I…
Scam or Online Educational Franchise?
“This is a scam!” I hear this all the time because I use and promote online business education franchises. People are skeptical about many things online. They may be thinking that someone will hack into their computer and steal their…
Why Online Marketing?
One of the major reasons I got into Online Marketing was to have a business that I could rely on if I became physically handicapped. I say that because many years ago I had a stroke that…
GRN-Vacation Club Increase December 1st
The owners of the Internet Lifestyle Network, Mark Hoverson and Vincent Ortega Jr, have decided upon an executive decision to increase the Global Resorts Network entry price. As both an member and affiliate…
The ILN vs. Other Marketing Systems
I have been part of a lot of different online educational marketing systems. To name a few-MLSP, Dot Com Secrets, Numis, Free Commissions, The Reverse Funnel System, etc. All of…