If you would like coaching or just run something past me, give me a call or contact me via one of the links below. I am passionate about people developing their own online business. I think we are experiencing just the beginning of individual online businesses. A billion plus people are already on Facebook. Online courses are surpassing offline business courses. An online businesses gives you the freedom to live where you want and make the income you desire. You just have to make it happen through study, diligent and focused work as well as having a strong desire to succeed. Drop me a line sometime, I’d love to talk with you!
Kristi Carter
Internet Lifestyle Gal
Alamo, CA
Direct Office Line: 925-362-8057925-362-8057
Follow me on Twitter @kristiacarter
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kristi-carter
Skype: kristi.a.carter
LinkedIn: kristiacarter