Always be learning and challenging yourself. Have fun doing it! That’s what the words say at the bottom of this photo. I’m just learning the Instagram Phonto for putting words over your posts. Looks like the words her are…
Transformational Tuesday webinar in my Home Office
Transformational Tuesday webinar with my business partner Rob Thomas taking place in my office. 🏆I was honored with the presence of Rob and his family at my house for two nights and three days this last week. Quick backstory:…
5 hours left to join our Fast Track to 5 Figure Private Group, and attend our exclusive private training tonight!
🚨 WARNING 🚨 About 5 hours left to join our Fast Track to 5 Figure Private Group, and attend our exclusive private training tonight! Happy Monday, visionaries! QUICK UPDATE: Our Exclusive Entrepreneur Group has now reached over 300 members!…
Surprise upon returning home!
Surprise upon returning home! 👏👏👏14 new leads👏👏👏 That means 14 new people are joining my fast growing online team🚀 The people who join my team are: 🌟Visionaries 🌟They sense that the world of online business is a perfect fit…
Freedom Friday!
Freedom Friday Fresh off the Rogue River! Pristine wilderness for 4 days. There is nothing like adventure and challenge to strengthen your spirit. We went through class II, III and one class IIIII rapids. It was a first for…
These guys are the BEST when it comes to show you how to market online. They are: **Down to earth **Funny **Smart **Compassionate Let’s do this . . . Who’s ready for our TRANSFORMATIONAL TUESDAY CLASS this 05/29/2018?…
The Most Important Thing . . .
Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration ever. I did with my husband, mom and step father in the photo. Except I blew the reservation to this Chinese restaurant! I assumed it was another one…
Online Business Retires Husband (if he chooses)
Online Business Retires Husband (if he chooses) “My heart sunk as my husband arrived home exhausted from his 2 hr. commute home. He face was red, his eyes sinking into his head and his mood was grumbly. I…
Time Freedom Secrets
We’ve all heard about ‘time freedom’. But what is it really? It’s such a nebulous term that a lot of internet marketers throw around. Time freedom means crafting your life so you have more time doing what you WANT…
NEWS FLASH – Solomon Super Class starting tomorrow
I entered the world of online marketing eight years ago after I read Timothy Ferriss’s book: The Four Hour Work Week. I read every word, twice. Shortly after that I hooked up with Mark Hoverson because he resonated wisdom,…
Life Happens, where are you when it does ?
Life happens . . . . *Kids get sick *The car breaks down *An unexpected bill pops up *A relative needs help Those are some of the difficult things that happen. Good things happen too! *A friend stops by…
How to Make Money When You’re in Your 50s
If you are already in your 50s or you are nearing your retirement, you may still find yourself in need of a job or a source of additional income. Many adults are not able to retire and just enjoy retirement…
Gratitude is so powerful. If used consistently you have the opportunity to live an amazing life. So what exactly is gratitude? Let’s take a look to see what Wikipedia says about gratitude: Gratitude, thankfulness, thanksgiving[1], or gratefulness, from the…
Are You Excited? . . .
Are you excited about your life? If you’re not, you should be. Reason: You really do have the power to manifest anything or any type of life style. And . . . have fun doing it! Life is getting…
Why? Why do you want a successful online business in the first place? I’ll tell you one thing – -Your “Why?” needs to be bigger than you are to succeed with online business. Why=DRIVE=motivation=Focus=Success! One of my Why’s is the…