We’ve all heard about ‘time freedom’. But what is it really? It’s such a nebulous term that a lot of internet marketers throw around. Time freedom means crafting your life so you have more time doing what you WANT to do rather than what you HAVE to do.
I’m the perfect living example of ‘time freedom’. My aging parents need help managing their lives right now. Just a few hours ago I had to drop what I was doing with my online business and go sign papers for care givers, stop by my folks house to check on them and manage their bills. Unfortunately their dog has liver problems and isn’t expected to live too much longer. That added to the stress in their lives they are already going through because my Dad has just transitioned to an assisted living facility.
Any baby boomer like me knows what it is like managing their aging parents.
Thank goodness I have the capability to break away to help them. This is how I did it:
*Joined the #1 online franchise(franchises have “plug and go” systems)
*Studied Facebook ads and implemented what I learned
*Consistently showing up on Facebook and Instagram with value posts
*Have my online assistant(Geroge) help research news anchors for my global positive news network
*George crafts great content for my news network
*Delegate logo updates to my graphics person at Fiverr
And so much more. . . .
The key secret is delegation. Think about it this way: If you opened a restaurant you couldn’t be the hostess, cook, server, accountant or janitor. But you can hire them. Your job is to oversee people who are experts in their fields and let them do what they know best.
I don’t want to learn how to build great graphics or build code.
Heck, let the experts do that for you.
Fiverr is a great way to find an expert for you or your business needs. The name Fiverr comes from the fact that independent contractors only charge $5 for a job. Of course it depends on the job and there can be add-ons for completing a job fast or doing more than what you initially thought you needed.
Taskrabbit is another way to find physical people to help you with shopping, gardening, painting,running errands, etc. Taskrabbit is an app available on your phone. I use them to organize my closet, shop, walk the dogs, etc.
Delegating frees your time to do things that you enjoy such as working on your business, going for a walk or helping aging parents.
Time freedom allows you to be ‘happier’ doing the things you choose to do, not what you HAVE to do. I love my businesses and it’s fun to work on them every day. Building and creating things that help people enjoy their life is on of my on going passions.
What “time freedom” secret you use on a regular basis?
When I first started out it was all work, work work. Now a few years in, the balance between work and rest is almost there. There are times when work takes priority but that’s something we have to deal with when working for oneself.