This is my nephew, Nate. I had the honor of accompanying him to the orthopedic doctor for his (broken finger) 6 week check up. He had visions of the doctor telling him he’s all healed and could get back to playing Rugby. Unfortunately, he needs another 6 weeks before he can get out on the field again. At 17, that can be a long time. But, all is well because he is visiting England right now for the first time with his rugby team.
Check up times are good not only for our bodies. Check up times are good for relationships, spiritual health, and our businesses. Every year we go to the doctors for a “physical”. But, how often do we actually do a business check up?
Let me explain.
As you probably already know I’ve been doing internet marketing for years. I have been a student of internet marketing since I read Timothy Ferriss’s book, The Four Hour Workweek, back in 2009.The book caught my eye when I was running off landscape design blueprints (which I did at the time) in Kinko’s.( That’s a name from the past!)
Although I loved landscape design and ran my own company, it became exhausting running around checking on all my jobs, dealing with unruly clients, and after all the effort, not having a lot to show for it. Please the sun exposure was a concern for my skin. So, I took Timothy’s book and studied from cover to cover over a long weekend.
I could totally relate to the immense power and reach he talked about in his book.
I immediately got on the internet to search for a business to join.
Long story short, I have studied 6 different companies to date. I think I know a thing or two about internet marketing companies now.
Here are some quick Check Up questions for your online business:
1. Is it in good standing with the BBB?
2. Does it have a good Facebook group with lots of positive members?
3. Does it have product that you love and use?
4. Is there excellent training on how to promote their product(s)?
5. Do you still like the company founders and their mission?
6. Are the profits where you want them to be?
Internet marketing companies are the same as franchises except you don’t have to lease a building, have a ton of inventory or employees. A lot of people are afraid of internet companies because they don’t have a physical address (actually they do for tax purposes).
I am currently studying a relatively new online business that has been around for 3 years. I like the business model because:
**It has ‘easy to learn’ training modules.
**Top marketers from other companies are joining them in droves.
**The earning power is really, really good.
**My sponsor checks in with me weekly in a nice way, not a pushy way.
**The owners are ‘down-to-earth’.
**It’s got a great Facebook community.
I will reveal the “new kid in town” soon. As the years have gone by, internet marketing companies have gotten better and are so transparent. Stay tuned to your emails from me in the next week because i will be sharing the details about the new ‘kid in town’.
Doing a bi-yearly check up on your own business is a smart way to go. Successful people do check up sometimes more than twice a year. What is your favorite business check up question?