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WebsiteTips.com is an educational Web site design and development resource especially for Web site owners, Web designers, Web professionals, webmasters, teachers and educators, students, and anyone wanting to learn about Web sites.
Web Site Articles, Tutorials, and Tips
Learn more about HTML, CSS / cascading style sheets, Web site design, Web graphics, Adobe Photoshop, online marketing, Internet marketing, online security, organizing your computer files, and more. Visit the Web Site Articles, Tutorials, and Tips index page, or jump to:
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials and Tips; CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Tutorials and Tips; HTML Tutorials and Tips; Marketing, Advertising for Your Web Site; Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Marketing (SEM) Articles, Tutorials, and Tips; Web Site Usability; and much more.
Web Site Resources
WebsiteTips.com’s hallmark is our hand-picked, carefully selected, extensive listing of over 2,400 annotated resources. Our Web Site Resources section includes annotated links to best-practice tutorials, articles, resources, software programs, helpful Web design tools, and information on the Web for beginners and novices to experts — such as HTML and CSS tutorials, color charts, fonts, search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing (SEM), graphics and graphics software programs tutorials, accessibility, usability, information architecture, and more.
Visit the Web Site Resources Table of Contents or jump to:
Design, Web Design: Color and color charts and tools at this site, Creativity, Inspiration, Design and Layout, Fonts, Graphics, Logo Design,Typography;
Graphics: Graphics, Graphics Software, Graphics Filters, Plugins, Graphics Tools, Software Tools, Where to Find Photos, Images, Graphics, Icons;
Markup and Code: CSS, DHTML, HTML, JavaScript, ECMAScript, AJAX, PHP, Regular Expressions (Regex), SSI, XHTML, XML;
Online Marketing, Internet Marketing: Online Marketing, Google AdSense, Google AdWords;
User Science: Accessibility, Information Architecture, Usability;
Discussion Lists, Online Forums, and Newsgroups; Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Marketing (SEM); Web Content, Writing for the Web; Web Design Business, Small Business; Web Site Optimization, Speed Optimization; Tools, Software, and more.
Web Site Books and Software Recommendations
WebsiteTips.com has a new Recommended Web Site Books and Software section, all hand-picked: Web site design and development books, books on CSS, HTML, XHTML, and Web standards, PHP books, Web site planning and management books, graphics software and books on graphics programs and Web graphics, books on writing for the Web, Web content, and more. All these books and software programs recommendations help with best practice approaches for Web site designers, developers, and Web site owners. Lots more in the new Recommended Web Site Books and Software section.