Me, Glenn Beck and His $90 Million?


Are you kidding me? I have always thought from the talk amongst friends and family that Glenn was a racist, a bigot, a religious fanatic, a fascist and a money monger. Well, well, well the media sure knows how to twist things around to breed hate and disdain for this media celebrity. As a huge Tim Ferriss fan, I subscribe to his blog and podcasts. Just two days ago Tim interviewed Glenn Beck while sitting on the beach in San Francisco at the Aquatic Park. It was a beautiful spring day, blue skies and all. I listened to the full hour long podcast, hanging on to every word.

Did you know that Glenn is a recovering alcoholic? His mom committed suicide when he was thirteen. His dad abused him. Talk about surviving a torrid childhood, Glenn knows the horror of such things. Did you also know that he was raised as a Catholic? And then turned away from the church completely. Yup. He studied philosophers, religions, and world events incessantly as he recovered from alcoholism in his thirties. Glenn is basically a self taught pioneering individual who saw the need in our media to present honest, straight forward views about world beliefs. And it’s not all about hate. Hats off to him!

Glenn and I share the same need for honesty in our current media. I don’t listen to the news talk shows very often because it is riddled with fear and dread. People like Rush Limbaugh or Michael SavageĀ  spread more hate. Who needs that? Apparently, a lot of people dig this negative chatter on our air waves or else those news media super stars would be out of business. These guys make a lot of money spewing their negative point of view. Heck, Glenn makes upward of $90 million per year just saying what he ‘feels’ of interest to him during any particular day (He says that in the podcast). He has a following of 30 -50 million viewers. Believe it or not he is a Libertarian, not a Republican. He talks about things with no particular agenda. He actually thinks our politics is way out of reality. Glenn is open to new technology. He thinks positively about our ever changing world. I really enjoyed the podcast and can relate to what Glenn said at many levels. To learn more, click on the link below.

Listen for yourself and let me know what you think. Your opinion matters.

Click here to listen:…walt/id863897795?i=339319233&mt=2


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