A New Year, A New Start








It is so nice to have a New Year ahead of us to look forward to. A new beginning for our dreams to become fulfilled starts now. This could be the best business start for you. This could be the launch pad for a new relationship, a new venture or a new self improvement system. We come out of the month of December alittle tired from all the Holiday Festivites, our budgets may have been over spent, and we just need a rest from all of the commotion. Our schedules are out of whack, and sometimes, we don’t even know what day it is! But, the promise of a New Year is a promise of a New Life. “Hope springs eternal”, as someone famous once said. Self assessment is the best way to find out your next chosen path for anything.

Since I am an online marketer, I do a self-assessment yearly or more to ensure that I stay on my path to achieve my goals. I have been coaching my students to get a piece of paper. Up at the top, write down ‘The Things That Worked’ on the left hand side, and ‘The Things That Didn’t Work’ on the right hand side. Then, draw a line down the middle of the page. Now you have two columns. Fill in your honest answers underneath the column headings. It shouldn’t take too long, maybe 15 minuetes or so. Then step back from your list for a while or go do something else. Let your answers disgest in your mind. After a while, go back and take a look. Does something ‘pop out’? Can you pare down your responses to the things that didn’t work? Can you imagine yourself letting go of the things that didn’t work? Think about replacing them with the things that did work. This is a self exploration excersise to help you be the best you can be. Self awarness is the key to growth and success.

Self awarness is the best business start you can make for yourself, your family or friends. More and more people are going online to start businesses because it just makes so much sense. Even folks who work for corporations work from home alot via telecommute. Working online has alot of pluses: No more commuting via car for hours every day, no more wasted gas(and money on gas), no more having to dress ‘professionaly’, no more interfacing with unlikeable people at work, this list can go on.The only thing I do miss working at a corporation is interfacing and working together with fun co-workers. So, I replaced that with interfacing with the top leaders in the online business world. People like Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Michelle  and Bill Pescosolido, Michael Tasner, etc. are connecting to me and vice versa. That is cool. These people have trudged through years of study and hard work to become the pillars they are now online. I also play alot of tennis so I do interact with alot of people offline.

There are so many Meetup groups and networking opportunities for people who work from home. Just go to www.meetup.com to find someone in your community who is like minded as yourself. Or, start a group yourself. The best business start is to just start by learning from the pros.  The best business start for me was to subscribe to Russell Brunson’s DotComSecretX. This system teaches you all there is to know about marketing anything online. Russell breaks your lessions into daily classes. That is a great way to learn if you are a newbie. The classes are anywhere from 10 min. to 45 min. long. Plus, the first 30 days only costs $1. That is also very cool. Here is his link: www.9nl.com/8st0 .

Make today your best business start for the New Year. I wish you the best success ever!

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