What is so nice about the beginning of a New Year is that we get a chance to improve upon what we’ve done or haven’t done in the past. We get a chance to start again. To try something different. We do this by making goals, making plans and writing down dates. This fresh new start is a like breath of fresh air. We can magically forget about past mistakes or failed endeavors. This new fresh start is tender, exciting and intoxicating. Our minds buzz with the delight of new dreams coming true in the New Year.
Instead of writing down my goals this year, I’m taking daily action. I know what my goals are. I have started cleaning out my garage, actually taking 15 year old cans of paint to the county waste disposal department. Before the year ended I bought a big, metal shelving unit which weighs 185 lbs. at Costco. My husband, Mike, put it up the first Saturday of the month. Costco and Ace Hardware had several shelving models, so I guess this is a popular New Year activity. I plan on putting Holiday decorations, party props, tools, gardening paraphernalia, etc. into big plastic containers with labels on the front. This is the year of cleaning out all the closets and drawers of clutter that we’ve accumulated over the 15 years of living in our home. It is a sense of relief. I am ready to have more space open up.
We have had a few of our older friends pass away in the last couple of months, and one recently last week. I am now thinking about, “What if I happen to pass away suddenly?” You never know, anything is possible. Although I am in perfect health, love life and plan on being here another 40 years death is like a shear veil before us. I want things to be easy for my husband when such an event eventually happens. De-cluttering is one step to make life simpler.
Another goal is to get all of our financial accounts organized on one spread sheet so anyone can look at it and see the money landscape. We have a family trust. Check. We have medical legal documents. Check. Bills are a constant so I just finished putting all of our bills on a spreadsheet so they can be paid without missing a beat. The type of bills, the average amount, if they are through the mail or online. Once that is done, a copy will go into our safety deposit box. Then I’m going to do the same thing for my business.
Our nature as human beings are to be moving forward, growing and achieving new things no matter your financial status. Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Donald Trump never have to work again a day in their lives, they have plenty of money to afford a fabulous life. But they keep growing and expanding their universe. That universe may or may not have the goal of accumulating more dollars. These high income individuals have great ideas that help improve all of our lives via great charities or better business systems. I hear comments from friends that they don’t understand why people of such high net worth continue to work. And I say, it’s all about growing and expanding their world.
There is a new line of online business systems popping up called Adshare programs. I will be posting several reviews about the ones that are popular and that I’m involved with in the New Year.
My main purpose of this blog is to help people find their own way online-thus I have coined the term – Internet Lifestyle. We can do so much through the internet from booking travel to making a great living. I am concerned about retirees running out of money. Some of my friends parents are moving in with them. My aim in this and my future blog posts is to offer solutions. In this day and age anyone who has the will, the drive and a little bit of money can make a substantial income from their phone or laptop. There are no excuses.
This is the New World of Freedom to express our creativity. We now have:
Internet freedom
Personal freedom
Anyone can start a business from their laptop or phone. That business can be crowd funded if you have an idea or you can join a proven system promoting whatever type of product you are interested in. I choose to promote digital educational products because there is no inventory and I am passionate about the internet lifestyle.
Take advantage of this new fresh start for the year 2016. There are boundless possibilities awaiting us. Goals to realize. New countries to explore. New businesses to create.
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
For more information about living the Internet Lifestyle feel free to email me at kristiacarter@gmail.com with the title Internet Lifestyle.